For 20 years, the Bayview IMANI Breast Cancer Support Group has existed to serve the underserved population by providing breast health care, specifically to the African-American community because we are so often ignored and/or undervalued as a human beings. Since its inception, our group has been a reliable source for breast cancer survivors. We have partnered with Susan G. Komen, Friends of Faith, UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center, California Pacific Medical Center, Southeast Community Facility, FivePoint, St. Paul of the Shipwreck Health Ministry, City College of San Francisco Nursing Department to administer services such as door-to-door outreach, demonstrate self-breast exams, doctor referrals, breast cancer walks and our annual luncheon where we have informative keynote speakers, empathetic dialogue, local entertainment, gift bags, but more importantly, we highlight the breast cancer survivors who are with us and honor those who have passed on.